If you ask me, what do you do? I’d like you to know that I am an artist who makes light. But it might not be the light we can perceive with the eyes— the light I long for making already exists within each of us. I just want you to notice it, and feel it.
It never sounds right to write in a third-person tone to talk about oneself, but for a certain amount of time I adhered to this norm. I believe in the metaphysics— things that exist beyond human’s five senses to this world, and the ancient teachings. I’ve spent most of my life to-date making art: at least before I turned 32 I had this strong belief that I’d survive as an artist. I still do, but not in a commercial sense. I ceased making art pieces for the reason of seeing the materials I have fabricated that might not mean a thing to many others, and they become trash so to speak. In the belief of sustainability of this Earth over the need to personally express myself via art-making, I let go of what didn’t serve me.
I’ve continued to make art, but not in the conventional sense anymore. This archive serves a little egoistic purpose to keep some pieces of memories from back then, more often to remind myself of the path that lays ahead of me— my life’s work is to honor the great beauty all around you.
Even though from time to time I dreamed of still doing my undergrad studies, in reality I have a degree in Psychology from UCLA. I feel proud of it because it was all due to my personal endeavor and persistence that I completed my studies, and the experience of surviving abroad had given me great trainings. From 2011-2014, I was trained as an undergraduate at SCAD in painting and photography. I dropped out amidst of social movements during my last quarter before the last 2 classes. Maybe this is why I kept dreaming about not accomplishing my degree as this part was kind of still dangling, in a legit sense.
During the pandemic, I have also completed HarvardX’s World Literature course online for my interest in self-cultivation. I was born 1983 and raised in Hong Kong, who seems to be a jack-of-all-trades at large: education, writing, translation, art direction, videography, photography, and dancing. During the same time, I’ve started to engage myself more intensively in dancing, in ballet and contemporary, and occasionally hip-hop. Dancing is a big part of my life, because it teaches me to really focus on my body in the moment.
Languages is just another beauty. I’ve tried to come back to learning French for the last couple of years, but it wouldn’t work, so I’ve switched to learning Latin and I’ve been sticking to it for over 6 months now. Soon I’ll try slowly picking up Japanese again. I am also a writer, as you can see this is quite a lot I’ve typed up. Language could be a beautiful tool, which is just another means of making light. And I believe that much of the ado would ultimately render back as unison, into the human expression of love.
It never sounds right to write in a third-person tone to talk about oneself, but for a certain amount of time I adhered to this norm. I believe in the metaphysics— things that exist beyond human’s five senses to this world, and the ancient teachings. I’ve spent most of my life to-date making art: at least before I turned 32 I had this strong belief that I’d survive as an artist. I still do, but not in a commercial sense. I ceased making art pieces for the reason of seeing the materials I have fabricated that might not mean a thing to many others, and they become trash so to speak. In the belief of sustainability of this Earth over the need to personally express myself via art-making, I let go of what didn’t serve me.
I’ve continued to make art, but not in the conventional sense anymore. This archive serves a little egoistic purpose to keep some pieces of memories from back then, more often to remind myself of the path that lays ahead of me— my life’s work is to honor the great beauty all around you.
Even though from time to time I dreamed of still doing my undergrad studies, in reality I have a degree in Psychology from UCLA. I feel proud of it because it was all due to my personal endeavor and persistence that I completed my studies, and the experience of surviving abroad had given me great trainings. From 2011-2014, I was trained as an undergraduate at SCAD in painting and photography. I dropped out amidst of social movements during my last quarter before the last 2 classes. Maybe this is why I kept dreaming about not accomplishing my degree as this part was kind of still dangling, in a legit sense.
During the pandemic, I have also completed HarvardX’s World Literature course online for my interest in self-cultivation. I was born 1983 and raised in Hong Kong, who seems to be a jack-of-all-trades at large: education, writing, translation, art direction, videography, photography, and dancing. During the same time, I’ve started to engage myself more intensively in dancing, in ballet and contemporary, and occasionally hip-hop. Dancing is a big part of my life, because it teaches me to really focus on my body in the moment.
Languages is just another beauty. I’ve tried to come back to learning French for the last couple of years, but it wouldn’t work, so I’ve switched to learning Latin and I’ve been sticking to it for over 6 months now. Soon I’ll try slowly picking up Japanese again. I am also a writer, as you can see this is quite a lot I’ve typed up. Language could be a beautiful tool, which is just another means of making light. And I believe that much of the ado would ultimately render back as unison, into the human expression of love.